At Division Café and Somerville Cruise Nights
If you had the choice between having a personal chef, housekeeper, butler or driver, which would you pick?
I’d have to go with the driver. I love riding in cars— especially with the windows down. (One thing I have in common with dogs is we both enjoy sticking our faces out car windows )
I also love looking at classic cars but I don’t know what I’d do if I actually owned one. Unless there is no one else on the road, I’m not usually comfortable driving and that’s with an automatic transmission. Forget about stick.
Speaking of cars, I finally made it out to Somerville Cruise Nights last week. Every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day for the past 27 years, Somerville NJ has run a classic car show. Now 100+ classic cars regularly line Main Street on Friday evenings turning the event series into a nationally acclaimed classic car show.

To celebrate my father’s birthday, my family ate in Downtown Somerville and then leisurely walked along Main Street enjoying all the cars. There are a couple restaurants in Somerville that we enjoy but we decided to try Division Café, a small Costa Rican joint on a pedestrian-only side street.